
7, rue de l’industrie
25110 Baume-les-Dames France

Registered in the Besançon Trade and Companies Register under number 790 677 694

A one-person simplified joint stock company with a capital of 1,393,954.40 euros
VAT identification number: FR41 790 677 694
Telephone number: (+33) 3 81 84 01 32
E-mail address:

The purpose of the site is to provide you with information about the advertiser and links to various websites. The site is the property of the advertiser.


Tête de Com


OVH SAS with a capital of 10 069 020 €.
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France

Director of publication: Octave KLABA

Respect for property rights, trademarks and images

The site is the property of the company FAIVRE SASU.

The content of this site is protected by intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, trademark law and international treaties.

Any reproduction in whole or in part, in particular of texts, logos, brand names and photographs, is strictly forbidden without our prior agreement.
The reproduction, distribution, use or modification, in particular for commercial purposes, of the general structure of the site, texts, data and graphic elements may be subject to criminal prosecution.

This prohibition does not affect the downloading of authorised information:

  • product sheet
  • technical diagram
  • case studies

which must be used only in the context of the client’s activity and may not be diverted from their purpose or for purposes detrimental to the interests of FAIVRE SASU.

Any person downloading or collecting information from the site has only a private, personal and non-transferable right to use it.
FAIVRE SASU cannot be held responsible for the use of the information contained in the website by users.
The reproduction and insertion of a page of our website on any medium not belonging to us is forbidden.

FAIVRE SASU cannot guarantee the availability or accessibility of the site. Neither can it guarantee that the website is free of viruses or other harmful elements, but will do its utmost to protect it.

We shall not be liable for any damage, temporary or permanent, to the user’s computer system or for any loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of data or profits) suffered as a result of:

  • accessing or browsing our site
  • using the information contained on the site
  • copying, viewing or otherwise using the site

The website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites.
They are provided for information purposes only.
As FAIVRE SASU has no control over these sites, it cannot be held responsible for their content.
The use of links to other websites is at the user’s own risk.

Information contained on the website

The purpose of this site is to provide general information about FAIVRE SASU and its products.
We take the greatest care and vigilance in the development of this site and in the quality of the information it contains, particularly in technical terms.

However, despite our vigilance, we cannot be held responsible for the precision, accuracy, updating or exhaustiveness of the information published on this website.
FAIVRE SASU will endeavour to remedy such problems as soon as it becomes aware of them.
The user expressly recognises the informative nature of the data on the site and undertakes to contact the FAIVRE SASU company directly before using the equipment.

The user acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.
Our sales are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale shown on the website. We reserve the right to modify them at any time without having to inform the users.

The user is invited to consult the website regularly to check whether the General Conditions of Sale have been modified.
The presence on the website of the current and complete range of FAIVRE SASU products does not guarantee their immediate availability.

All orders require information, advice and recommendations before they are placed.

Personal data

The data collected on our site is intended for the company FAIVRE SASU.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, we remind users that they have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning them.
Any request on this subject should be addressed to the company FAIVRE SASU by mail, fax or e-mail at

The user acknowledges that he/she is aware of the present provisions and undertakes to respect them.